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                   (Romans 1:18-20)

From the universe that stretches out into infinity,

To the microscopic worlds that are too small for eyes to see

The beauty and precision are part of His grand design,

You might say that it's divine.



The wonders of this world are just the wonders of His hand,

The beauty of the sea and sky, the glory of the land.

The unseen God can be known by the things that He has shown.

The evidence is all around, the Truth is waiting to be found.

Creation shows the mind and power of God.


The rolling roar of thunder, the morning chorus of birds,

The cricket's chirp, the spring frog's peep,

Speak to us without words.

Laughter, song, and speech all part of God's great symphony,

Give it thought and you'll agree.




The bee it needs the flower and the flower needs the bee.

The whale it needs the plankton and the plankton needs the sea.

Complex interrelationships are part of His great plan.

No man can do what God can.







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