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  Character As A Wall



(Pro 25:28; Rom 6:12-14; Mt 26:41; I Cor 16:13;

 II Pet 1:4; Deut 30:19; I Cor 1:27-28; Jo 15:5;

           Ro 12:2; Rom 8:7; II Pet 1:4)


Whoever rules not his own spirit,

Is like a city without any wall.

To know and do the right and refuse the wrong,

To resist temptation and stand strong,

To defeat the foes that threaten us all,

We need character as a wall.


We were called to glory and virtue,

To glory and character.

The future that lies before us

Depends on what we choose to do.


To know and do the right and refuse the wrong,

To resist temptation and stand strong,

To defeat the foes that threaten us all,

We need character as a wall.


We were called when foolish and weak,

Foolish and without strength.

Of our own selves we can do nothing,

We need help or the future is bleak.


To know and do the right and refuse the wrong,

To resist temptation and stand strong,

To defeat the foes that threaten us all,

We need character as a wall.


We were called to transform our own mind,

A mind that is hostile to God.

If we rely on ourselves to do right,

Disappointment is all that we'll find.


To know and do the right and refuse the wrong,

To resist temptation and stand strong,

To defeat the foes that threaten us all,

We need character as a wall.


We were called to share in God's nature,

In the things that are natural to God.

If we pray for His Spirit and use it,

A wonderful change will occur.


We'll know and do the right and refuse the wrong.

We will resist temptation and stand strong,

We will defeat the foes that threaten us all.

We will build character as a wall.


Whoever rules not his own spirit,

Is like a city without any wall.

If we pray for God's Spirit and use it

We will build character as a wall.







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