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The Gift

(Ps 8:3; Mk 4:37-39; IIPet 1:20-21; Acts 5:32;

 Lu 11:9-13; IITi 1:6-7; ITh 5:19, Ro 6:23; Jo 6:63

 Heb 4:12; Acts 2:38, 8:18; ICor 2:11-12; Mk 4:11

 Rom 8:9-11; Eph 1:13-14; Lu 1:35; Jo 16:13,14:10,17,20;

 Heb 13:5-6,6:4-6,9-11; Eph 5:8-9; Gal 5:22; Ro 6:15-19)


It's the power that created the universe.

It's the power that calmed the sea.

It's the power that inspired the scriptures,

And it's given to you and to me.

The gift of the Holy Spirit

Is given to those who obey.

As a father gives gifts to His children,

So God sends it to us when we pray.

So stir up the gift of God, it's not a Spirit of fear,

But of power and love and a sound mind,

It's for those who will act when they hear.

So don't quench the Spirit by sinning.

Don't ignore it and weaken the flow.

Our small share is just a beginning;

Asked for and used it will grow.


The problem we all face is death, but God's Word is spirit and life.

If we study and consider it well, it cuts through us like a knife.

Then we must repent and be baptized, hands are laid on and then we receive The gift of the Holy Spirit, with knowledge our minds alone can't conceive.


So stir up the gift of God, it's not a Spirit of fear,

But of power and love and a sound mind,

It's for those who will act when they hear.

So don't quench the Spirit by sinning, don't ignore it and weaken the flow. The Holy Spirit gives knowledge that only God's mind can know.


It's the knowledge of God's kingdom; it's the way to be sure we'll be there. It's the earnest of our inheritance; it's the power of the family we share. It leads us into all Truth so there's no need to go astray.

If Christ and the Father dwell in us, they'll protect us from falling away.


So stir up the gift of God, it's not a Spirit of fear,

But of power and love and a sound mind,

It's for those who will act when they hear.

So don't quench the Spirit by sinning, don't ignore it and weaken the flow. Study and pray and take action, and with the Spirit you'll be aglow,

The fruit of the Spirit will show, when tempted to sin you'll say no.

And the gospel to the whole world will go.

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