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(Ex 20:11, 31:12-17; Heb 10:12; Mt 7:24-25, 16:18; Dan 12:7; Eze 34:11-12; Rom 10:14; Eph 4:12-14;

 Lu 21:28; Lev 23:2-3; Dan 7:8, 25; Rev 13:15-17; Heb 4:1-4, 10:35-36; Lu 18:8; De 30:19-20;

 Heb 6:11-12; Rom 4:20-21) 


In six days the Lord God made the heaven and the earth, the sea and all that in them is.

Therefore He blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it, a sign for all those who are His.

A sign to show that we belong to Him, a day to rest and be refreshed.

If we follow His commands and His example for us, we'll pass the test and find that we are blessed.



Assemble yourselves together, Christ built the Church upon the Rock to last forever.

Through the storm and through the gale, the gates of hell will not prevail,

The Church that Jesus built will never fail.

Scattered, shattered, and distressed, the faithful few will pass the test,

And be gathered with the faithful ministry.

Through the preaching of the Word our faith will grow when we have heard

As we meet together strong in unity.

Assemble yourselves together, even more now that the day is almost here.

Encourage one another.  Lift up your eyes for your salvation's drawing near.


The Sabbath is a feast day of the Lord which he proclaims, a holy convocation He commands.

Therefore in six days shall all your work be done, the Sabbath is a rest for head and hands.

The little horn will seek to change the law and the times, to hallow the feast day of the sun.

If we take that mark upon ourselves to buy or work, we'll fail the test and find that we are cursed.




A promise remains that some shall enter His rest, the promise is to those who now believe.

Therefore you must not cast away your confidence, endure and the promise you'll receive.

Have faith, for Christ to find at His return, He's the Lord of Sabbath rest,

If we follow His commands and His examples for us, we'll pass the test and find that we are blessed.



If we obey, then there's no need for us to fear.

If we meet with all endurance, we will find we have assurance

As He spoke it will be done.




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