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The Many, Not the Few

1) Millions of people have lived and died

Never hearing the name of Christ,

The one name by which we may be saved.

Others have heard but not understood,

Or had no time for God,

All by Satan were enslaved.

Chorus:  When God sets His hand to save the world

Then the whole world will be saved,

The many, not the few.

When God sets His hand to save the world,

Then Satan will be bound,

And the whole world will be new.

2) Through one man's sin, sin entered the world

And all were cut off from God,

Sentenced to live by their own choice.

Through one man's death all may be saved 

And many shall be made right,

So praise God and rejoice.

Chorus:  For God gave His Son for all the world,

The Gentile and the Jew.

He makes one new man from the two.

His Holy Spirit works to write

His laws upon our hearts,

And our lives begin anew.

3) If a man dies, will he live again?

Yes, each in his own time.

First Christ, then the Church at His return.

Then a thousand years to really show

Which way of life is best

And the dead are raised to learn.

Chorus:  That God has a plan for all of man

And the whole world will be saved,

The many, not the few.

His Holy Spirit works to write

His laws upon their hearts,

And their lives begin anew.

Yes God has a plan for all of man 

And the whole world will be saved,

The many, not the few.

The book of life is opened,

And their names are written in

And the whole world will be new.

When God sets His hand to save the world,

Then the whole world will be saved,

The many, not the few.

When God sets His hand to save the world,

Then the world will be made one with Him

And the whole world will be new.

(Acts 4:12, Mt 13:15, Ps 50:16-17, Ro 6:16-18

 Jo 2:28; Rev 20: 1-3; IIPe 3:13; Ro 5:18-19;

 Ep 2:11-18; Heb 8:10, 16; Ro 6:4; Job 14:14; 

 ICor 15:20-28; Rev 20: 4-5, 11-12)

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